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NTSB Preliminary Report On the March 30, 2024, Truckee, California TBM 700 Accident Raises Eyebrows at Aviation Law Group

NTSB Preliminary Report On the March 30, 2024, Truckee, California TBM 700 Accident Raises Eyebrows at Aviation Law Group

With an experienced pilot with 250 hours in N960LP in the prior 16 months, a pilot-rated passenger – as per the NTSB, and the fact that they were flying their own aircraft into their home airport in daylight hours, this does not appear to be a classic case of controlled flight into terrain, as the final descent suggests otherwise.

Singapore Airlines Flight 321: ALG Lawyers Concerned About Yet Another Severe Turbulence Accident

Singapore Airlines Flight 321: ALG Lawyers Concerned About Yet Another Severe Turbulence Accident

Recent research suggests that turbulence incidents are increasing, potentially due to climate change and elevated carbon dioxide emissions affecting air currents. In this accident, Aviation Law Group is concerned that some of the relevant cockpit data information may not have been saved or recorded, giving investigators a less-than-complete picture of exactly what went on.